
We have started providing free orthopedics service since 1994. Most of our patients had clubfoot, poliomyelitis, cerebral palsy. Apart from surgical treatment, we also provide the patients with prosthesis & orthoesis, physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy, etc.

Cleft & Palate / Plastic
We have started providing Cleft & Palate / Plastic services since 1995. Most of our patients are children with cleft lip and palate or severly burnt victims with serious bodily scars.

Internal Medicine / Rehabilitation
From 1994, our service teams have, apart from conducting medical lectures in the mainland, provided free medical consultations and interflow of clinical case studies. We have extended from our initial targets of medical personnel in the rural areas to cover patients’ relatives and various levels of medical personnel in the cities and medical schools.

Our dentistry volunteer teams have started serving the schools and clinics of different towns since 1994 to provide free dental checks and treatment to school children and villagers.

We started our ophthalmology service in 2002 mainly offereing cataract and lens implant.

Training of medical personnel is the foundation to improving the medical services in the area concerned. Apart from setting up schemes to subsidize the medical personnel in the rural towns to undertake training courses in mainland cities and major hospitals, we have, since 1995, arranged over ten medical personnel to for clinical attachment in Hong Kong with a view to widening exposure of potenial hospital leaders to technical advancement in the field.

Re-building hospital
In order to strengthen the effectiveness of our medical and training services and to achieve more lasting results, we decided in 2007 to rebuild Ai De Hospital operated by Christian Church of Yiyang County, Luoyang, Henan. God has personally guided us in all our work from searching for a suitable site, identifying working partners, etc, to deciding on buying the site of the old court of Yiyang County and setting up the engineering team to steer the re-building project. The hospital was successfully re-built and commissioned in October 2000.